© Mit Borrás, “Heavven, Adaptasi Cycle”, 14 Min Film, Art Director Rachel Lamot, Music Daniel Vacas Peralta. Images courtesy of the artist. 2021

Video Art Night | The Goethe Institut Los Angeles

B-LA CONNECT Festival Los Angeles 2022

11.07.2022 | 6.30-10 pm | Goethe Institut Los Angeles

Artists: lla Bandouveris, Félixe de Becker + Georgia Azoulay, Carrick Bell, Mit Borrás, Andreas Bunte, Kirstin Burckhardt, John Butler, Cole M. James, Yama Li, Yuchi Ma, Rebekah Mei, Labkhand Olfatmanesh, Iman Person, Julia Charlotte Richter, Juliane Zelwies

curated by Clemens Wilhelm (Berlin) and Leslie Foster (LA).

Presented as part of B-LA CONNECT, an initiative to promote cooperation and networking between the creative communites of the sister cities of Berlin and Los Angeles. This event will feature the video art of 15 artists’ from both Berlin and LA for a night of viewing. The work, which ranges from the surreal to the hauntingly poignant, includes journeys in search of family, healing, and one’s own depths, as well as explorations of cosmic time, painstaking exercises in embodiment, and graceful, captivating rituals performed in isolation. Please join us and meet the artists from both sides of the Atlantic.


Point Blank 
Julia Charlotte Richter (7.35 minutes)

Pretend your thoughts are like plants I 
Carrick Bell (5.46 minutes)

Children of the Null 
John Butler (5.35 minutes)

Off the Record 
Juliane Zelwies (11.23 minutes)
www.juliane.de | @julianezelwies

How does it feel? 
Kirstin Burckhardt (9.18 minutes)
www.k-burckhardt.de & www.bodymapinstitute.com@kirstinburckhardt

Andreas Bunte (12 minutes)

Heavven, Adaptasi Cycle 
Mit Borrás (14 minutes)
www.mitborras.com | @mitborras


Cycle II – Day 3
Labkhand Olfatmanesh (1.58 minutes)

Félixe de Becker (15.29 minutes)
www.felixedebecker.com @felixedebecker

Ella Bandouveris (4.06 minutes)

New Air
Iman Person (17.06 minutes)

#4 (Womb)
Rebekah Mei (4.04 minutes)
evelground.co/news/cycle-essay-rebekah-mei | @rebekahmei.art

Cole M James (2.46 minutes)

Yuchi Ma (16.46 minutes)
www.streetcornyuchi.cargo.site | Instagram: @streetcornyuchi

Cycle II – Day 4
Labkhand Olfatmanesh (2.55 minutes)
www.labbiemanesh.com/labkhand-olfatmanesh | @labbiephotography

Hollow Me
Yama Li (9.15 minutes)


more info on this event



B-LA CONNECT is an initiative to promote the cooperation and interlinking between the two sister cities’ creative communities.

In June 2019, twenty art spaces from Los Angeles exhibited in 22 art spaces from Berlin. The interdisciplinary program included art exhibitions, film screenings, performances, talks, and more. This July, 2022, the Berlin art spaces travel to LA for a return visit with staggered openings throughout the city in 22 different art spaces, a film night at the Goethe-Institut LA, and a performance evening on the rooftop of The Bendix Building.

B-LA CONNECT sees itself as an international cultural exchange on a grass roots level. It brings together members of different art spheres and scenes from both cities. New opportunities for interacting and connecting with each other are created and extended locally inside and transnationally between the two cities. In the sense of a positive globality B–LA CONNECT seeks to advance the cultural partnership between Berlin and Los Angeles.

B-LA CONNECT wants to celebrate urban diversity, show presence and stand against reactionary forces. Berlin and Los Angeles share the urban self-image of being the world in small, a place of cultural diversity and individual freedom. In light of the rising authoritarian and regressive currents worldwide the two cities stand for a liberal and cosmopolitan openness towards the world.

B-LA CONNECT wants to build bridges where others erect walls.

more info on B-LA CONNECT