The Berlin Wall was toppled by a peaceful revolution, but it lives on as some kind of ghost. It’s consequences can still be felt today. The wound of the city has turned into a scar, partly it healed well, party it is still open. Physically in the cityscape, as well as psychologically in the heads, it is still very present.
DIE MAUER IST WEG is a re-visit and visualization of this wound which capitalism, communism and fascism cut into the city. The viewer of the film gets a chance to experience the dimension of human insanity which this architectural and political wall posed, and which Berlin had to survive.
The film is accompanied by a live-soundtrack by Joakim Blattmann, which combines an arrangement of musical instruments with original sounds from the Berlin Wall. DIE MAUER IST WEG shows the absent, a wall that is no longer physically there. It is a paradox attempt to picture the invisible.
Premiere: 09. November 2017, 9 pm
ACUD Kino | Veteranenstrasse 21 | 10119 Berlin