The German filmmaker Werner Herzog once said in an interview that if one wanted to become an artist, one should not spend years in art school but take a long walk alone with a camera. As his graduation project, Clemens Wilhelm undertook this long walk.
Walking south to Italy has a long tradition in European art history. Many Northern-European artists since Renaissance times have traveled to Italy to study the arts, and due to limited resources they often walked. Taking a long walk at the end of your apprenticeship also has a long tradition among other European craftsmen.
But Clemens Wilhelm’s film is more than this: the process of walking, the ever changing road itself and spending time with yourself seem equally important as the goal Venice. The Biennial as a goal becomes secondary, as the viewer starts to walk with him, picture by picture. The viewer starts to travel in his mind on his own imaginary path through strikingly beautiful mountain ranges, green fields and sun-drenched forests.

The film is shown as a screening accompanied by a composition by Joakim Blattmann (Oslo) which is performed live at every screening. (see image above)

THE ROAD TO VENICE has been presented at Edinburgh Art Festival, Atelier Nord ANX Oslo, Babel Gallery Trondheim, Timespan Helmsdale, Borgie Forest Cabin, and Forum for Meditation & Neuroscience Berlin.